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Our Journey Begins with a Shared Passion

In the heart of nommadis, there is an unconditional love for travel and the incessant search for unique experiences that transform simple moments into eternal memories. We are driven by the curiosity to explore every corner of the world, to delve deeply into local cultures, and to discover the secrets that only the paths less traveled can reveal. Our team is made up of adventurers, dreamers and storytellers who believe in the transformative power of travel.

Identifying the Challenge

We realized that while many of our friends and family shared the same enthusiasm for exploring the unknown, they faced a common challenge: the complexity of organizing a trip. From choosing destinations to planning itineraries, the search for reliable and practical information about the places to visit proved to be an arduous task. Many felt overwhelmed by the amount of information available, making the task of separating the essential from the superfluous difficult and, often, causing opportunities for authentic experiences to be missed.

Born to nommadis

We wanted to create a solution that would not only simplify the travel planning process, but also enrich each person's travel experience. Our digital guides are the result of thorough research and a love of detail, created to inspire and inform. They are designed to take you beyond traditional travel guides, offering an intimate look at the world's most incredible destinations, with exclusive tips, local stories and secrets that only a true travel lover would know.

Our mission

Our mission is to make it easier to plan unforgettable trips, eliminating the stress and uncertainty that often accompany this process. We want every traveler to discover the pleasure of exploring the world, armed with the knowledge and tips that will transform their trip into a series of magical and enriching moments. Through our guides, we offer the key to authentic experiences, allowing our readers to experience each destination in a full and memorable way.

This Is Us


Guilherme Faustino

Job Title.

CEO & Founder


Byanka Sachetti

Job Title.

CEO & Founder

Come Explore with nommadis

We invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and adventure. Whatever your dream destination, Nommadis is here to guide you through every step, making your trip as fascinating as the places you will visit. Together, we can transform the way the world is explored, one destination at a time.

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